Trail Building
Join us and members of the Steuben County Community Foundation's FIST youth group as we COMPLETE the trail in Brennan Woods! The boardwalk was installed in January and now it's time to connect the trail on each end. Bring your wheelbarrows, rakes, and lots of energy to help get this project completed!
Please RSVP to so we can plan for lunch.
Can’t join us but still want to help? We are looking for cooks that would like to share lunch with volunteers this day. Let Elizabeth know if you are interested, or call our office, 260-527-1072.
Clear Lake Nature Preserve & Brennan Woods is located off of CR 675 N, on the west side of Clear Lake. From Fremont, head east on SR 120 to CR 700E. Turn left on CR 700E, and (approximately 3/4 mile north) turn right onto CR 675 N.
A map to the preserve can be found at:
In the event of a storm the workday will be canceled.