News & Events

SPRINGING INTO SUMMER - Clear Thinking Issue 54

May 24, 2024

The signs of spring are seen all around Clear Lake. The redbud and dogwood trees are blooming, the robins are singing, and the sun is shining into the evening. While we see the subtle changes of our natural surroundings, we also notice the changes in the community. We are preparing our homes for family visitors, placing our docks in the cold water, trimming the hedges and flowers in the yard, and preparing for a summer full of fun, smiles, and Clear Lake memories.
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The Conservancy is all too familiar with springtime preparations. As we see the green growth of native plants returning to our preserves, we continue forest health improvement projects, invasive species removal workdays, and trail maintenance. With the spring rainfall and increased flow of water into the lake, our volunteer water quality monitors began monthly testing, and we continue Watershed Diagnostic Study sampling. As the community returns to their summer homes, we are busy behind the scenes planning for various stewardship and hiking events, our July 13 community Run Day, Fun Day event, the Knee-high Naturalists educational programs in July, and more.

In the spirit of spring cleaning, we appreciate all who volunteered their time and energy to join in our community-wide annual Neighborhood Cleanup Project. Together, we adopted 20 roadways and cleared over 15 bags of trash from the Clear Lake Township. We are grateful to be in a community filled with generous people who join us in caring for our natural environment.

While the spring preparations are repeated annually, we find ourselves renewed by the energy and excitement of the anticipated summer activities spent together with family and our wonderful community. We look forward to gathering with you this summer!

Read the full Newsletter here.

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