PLANNING FOR A CLEAR FUTURE - Clear Thinking Issue 55
July 30, 2024
Read the full Newsletter here.
With the support of the community, the Conservancy has been focused on preserving and protecting this cherished corner of Northeast Indiana for over 30 years. The Conservancy has grown through the years by acquiring more land, hosting various educational events, publishing bi-monthly newsletters, working alongside larger volunteer groups, and undertaking lake-wide water quality projects and monitoring. To uphold our mission and continue this growth, our leadership meets every 3 to 5 years to strategically plan the execution of our major goals. On June 15th, ten Board Members and Executive Director, Caroline Barth, met for a Strategic Planning session to begin laying out the major goals and vision for the next 3 to 5 years.
Our mission is to preserve, protect, and manage the natural environment within the township and watershed for future generations. With this long-term vision, our planning focused on the impact of our land and water usage within our watershed and highlighted future watershed projects to promote conservation land practices with support from potential local, state, and federal partners. This Strategic Plan will be finalized over the next few months and will be available on our website by the end of the year.
THANK YOU to our SPONSORS of the Run Day, Fun Day!
Kasota Island Cleanup Crew
Tribute Garden and Trail Mulching Volunteers in Memorial Woods
Made possible by a Thrivent Grant
Run Day, Fun Day Volunteer Crew