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Memorial Woods Tribute Garden Updates

July 5, 2024

Image Description Here Memorial Woods is a shaded woody preserve located at Point Park Drive that was donated in 2009 by Mike and Pat Franz in honor of the early Conservancy President, Paul Federspiel. As the name implies, this preserve provides a peaceful and calm feeling under the canopy of oak trees to reflect on the nature and love of Clear Lake we all share. The preserve features a Tribute Garden comprised of large glacial stones and native plants to provide a space to recognize those we wish to honor and remember on memorial plates.

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Thanks to the support of volunteer Don Luepke who made this work possible with a Thrivent Grant, four new trees have been planted and the mounds are freshly planted. The workday in June included community members of all ages. A big thanks goes out to our crew, Don Luepke, The Huntermark Family, The Hughes kids, Diane McArdle, and Kelly, Jack, and Devon McArdle for their work on this project!

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The form to see our memorial and honorarium policy and request a Tribute Garden Memorial Plate can be found here.

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