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Grant Applications REOPENED for Glacial Stone Seawall Projects

May 16, 2024

Due to the withdrawal of a previously awarded glacial stone seawall project, we have remaining funds for our Glacial Stone Seawall Installation Cost-Share Grant Program. We have reopened the application period and extended the grant period. Clear and Round Lake residents interested in applying for cost-share of up to 25% for a glacial stone shoreline resurfacing project are invited to apply. Note that the decisions are made on a first-come first-served basis. See more information below.

The Clear Lake Township Land Conservancy has received a $4,000 grant from the Land Trust Alliance as part of the 2023 Great Lakes Water Quality Program. This grant will be used for a reimbursement of up to 25% of the project cost for new glacial stone installation projects on Clear Lake and Round Lake. Thanks to the Land Trust Alliance, we are excited to offer this cost-share grant program to property owners wishing to protect our lake by improving their concrete sea wall with glacial stone.

Natural seawalls, such as glacial stone and native plants, increase lake health by absorbing wave energy, decreasing erosion or sediment breakdown, and protecting sensitive habitats.

Image Description HereAfter completing a shoreline survey last year, we found that 61% of Clear Lake's shoreline has concrete seawalls, compared with 10% natural shore and wetlands, while 20% of the shoreline features the desired stone shoreline protection, and 9% has glacial stone added along concrete seawall. Increasing the percentage of natural and glacial stone seawall is one way to better manage wave energy.

Image Description HereIn 2015, we partnered with seventeen shoreline projects that installed 1,005 feet of glacial rock along the Clear Lake shoreline, including Kasota Island, effectively reducing sediment loads by 1,917 pounds, nitrogen loads by 3,836 pounds and phosphorous loads by 1,917 pounds.

The Conservancy would like to continue to facilitate shoreline refurbishing through cost-share agreements with property owners. This Land Trust Alliance Grant will reimburse a portion of a glacial stone project, allowing the property owner to be in charge of his or her own project with financial help from the Conservancy.

The Conservancy can also share guidance on the benefits of glacial stone seawall and feedback from property owners already doing their part to keep the lake natural and clean.

Click here for the application.

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